Sunday, May 31, 2009

I wouldn't have believed it myself....

On a recent Saturday morning Landon came over to hang out with Erik, Morgan, and I. I wasn't so sure how everything would go since Morgan and Landon are the same size and she tends to knock him around quite a bit. They were bounding around the living room with Erik, and I figured I could take shower since we were going out to do some errands. I was however, a little terrified that I would come hear a great deal of barking and crying and probably some noise from Landon and Morgan too!

After chasing the three of them around for a while, I decided I would try and get ready. I crossed my fingers and hoped that Erik would be in one piece when I came back out of the shower. A few moments later I finished drying my hair and noticed that the house was substantially quieter than when I had gone into the shower. I peeked out the window since I assumed they were in the yard playing. But they were no where to be found....I walked into the living room only to find...they were all asleep on the couch! who would have thunk?!??

Happy Memorial Day!

Just wanted to post all the pictures from our wonderful Memorial Day Celebrations! Thanks to all that serve!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


whew! where have we been? Our lives have been so involved lately that I haven't had time to post anything! I have lots of pics of Morgan to add soon! (as soon as I can figure out how to upload the pics off of my cell phone) we're all doing well with lots of plans for lots of things in the future.
Morgan had her first obedience class monday night and is doing fairly well for a slightly ocd lab/spaniel mix. she wasn't all that sure about the whole puppy play group thing after class. she spent more time snuggling up to each and every person that was at the group rather than playing with the other puppies. she needs like old lady doggie play group! :o) it was really fun though and we're looking forward to our next class!
we've also commited ourselves to helping the local economy (and ourselves) by joining a CSA in Dartmouth for the duration of the summer. we get a bag of fresh local veggies and fruits every wednesday until October. And as long as I can get there before Liz claims our share we'll have local produce each week! yay!
we're also growing our own veggies and blueberries this year (unless Morgan literally just devoured them as I was typing...crappers) and we're looking forward to picking our own food off of our plants!
I promise to post more often! hanginthere.